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In 2011* and again in 2017** the Animal and Plant Heath Agency (APHA) and its predecessor ran a series of tests to compare common disinfectants through a series of tests specifically designed to copy on-farm conditions. The target was to see which products could eliminate salmonella successfully from porous surfaces (dry model) and in solution (wet model). This simulated their use on farm surfaces and in footbaths. (Download available with full test results)
Pig: Swine fever, Aujeszky’s Disease, Dysentery, Porcine Parvovirus Infection, Enterotoxaemia, FMD, Swine Vesicular Disease, Salmonellosis.
Poultry: Marek’s Disease, Newcastle Disease, Salmonellosis, Infectious Bronchitis, Pasteurellosis, Avian Coryza, Avian Rhinotracheitis, Avian Influenza.
Cattle: FMD, IBR/IPV, BVD/MD, Bovine Influenza.
Horses: Influenza, Infectious Arteritis, Strangles, Polyarthritis of foals, Salmonellosis.
Small Animals: Parvovirus Infection, Feline Distemper (Panleucopenia), Feline Rhinotracheitis, Leucosis, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, Distemper, Rabies.
May be used on vehicles, machinery and equipment: not known to be corrosive at recommended dilutions.
Biodegradable: Glutaraldehyde is 90 - 100% biodegradable under OECD test conditions - OECD 301A.
Works at low temperatures: DEFRA tested at 4ºC, at higher temperatures works faster and with lower concentrations.
Disinfects in presence of organic matter: DVG tested on absorbent surfaces and in presence of organic matter.